
Hospice is about caring for those who are facing the challenges at the end-of life. Those challenges may be physical, emotional, psychosocial and spiritual. Hospice cares for the whole person and their loved ones, supporting them with skilled nursing, family services, home health aides, spiritual support, volunteer services and bereavement and grief support.
Who is eligible for Hospice?
Anyone with an incurable illness and less than six months to live. Your doctor helps with this decision.
Where do I get Hospice care?
Hospice care can be received at home, in the hospital and in a Nursing home.
How do I pay for Hospice?
Hospice can be paid by Medicare Part A, Medicaid, and some private insurances. No one is denied Hospice for lack of funds.
What will Hospice cover?
Hospice covers all medical comfort care, including pain management ordered by your doctor.
For more information, call:
Hospice of the North Country
358 Tom Miller Road
Plattsburgh, NY 12901
(518) 561-8465

Clinton County Office for the Aging