Housing Options

There are different types of housing available for seniors and the type of housing that is chosen will depend on the needs of the person. Housing can range from independent to complete 24/7 care. Options include:
Senior Housing: A single multiunit building or a multiple multiunit apartment buildings which are for persons over a specified age but can also accommodate disabled persons under the specified age. These are not originally planned to include activities, supportive assistance, personal and health-related care, or staff trained in aging issues. However, some may have programs and supports available and this inquiry can be made before the application process. Monthly charges or rents do not include the cost of any programs or supports but residents can make private arrangements for these services.
Adult Home: Adults aged 18 or over are eligible to live in Adult Homes, which are licensed by the New York State Department of Health. Operators provide three congregate meals per day, housekeeping, socialization activities, supportive services, supervision and personal care to five or more adults who are not related to the operator. The rent and the cost of services and care in an Adult Home are included in one monthly charge. Residents can use private resources to pay for the monthly charges or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) if eligible and accepted by the Adult Home.
Family Type Home: Family Type Homes are typically single-family homes in which the homeowner provides supportive services, socialization, meals, supervision and personal care to four or fewer adults. Rent and care are included in one monthly charge. Monthly charges may be paid with private resources or Supplemental Security Income if eligible and accepted by the Family Type Home. This type of housing is overseen by the local Social Services. The New York State Long Term Care Ombudsman Program is also available to the residents regarding concerns related to their care, rights and overall quality of life at the home.
Assisted Living: Operators may provide or arrange for housing, supportive services, case management, medication management, monitoring (24-hour response by on-site staff for urgent or emergency needs), supervision, personal care, and health related care to adult residents. An Assisted Living facility cannot accommodate residents who require 24-hour skilled nursing care or prolonged chronic nursing care. Housing, services and care provided by the facility are included in one monthly charge and charges may be paid with private resources or by Supplemental Security Income (SSI) if eligible and accepted by the Assisted Living facility.

Clinton County Office for the Aging