We will provide our residents quality, professional, medical and nursing services that enrich their lives. We will partner with the residents and families of Clinton County and surrounding communities, providing comprehensive care planning, rehabilitative, nutritional, therapeutic and social services in a homelike and caring environment.
Referrals are accepted from hospitals, physicians, public health services and other nursing facilities. A Patient Review Instrument (PRI) ordered by a physician and completed by the hospital or county Health Department is required, along with a completed Admission Application.
Please feel free to contact our Admissions staff for further information or to request an admissions packet. Call 518-563-0950, extension 3718, or send us a message using the Nursing Home Admissions form.
It is the policy of the Clinton County Nursing Home to admit and treat all residents without regard to race, creed, color, place of birth, national origin, sex, age, sexual preference, marital status, disability, sponsorship or source of payment.