Child Support Enforcement is all about children. Child Support is not intended to punish or inconvenience either parent, but to make sure that the children of our state and county receive the financial support necessary from both of their parents.
Your local Child Support Enforcement Program will help to:
- Establish Paternity
- Find absent parents
- Obtain child support orders
- Enforce child support orders
- Collect and pay out child support
If you are receiving or going to receive Assistance through the Department of Social Services, if during the Application process it is indicated that you need Child Support Enforcement, you will be automatically referred.
You do not need to be an applicant for Assistance from the Department of Social Services to receive Child Support Services.
If you would like to apply for Child Support Services, please download and complete the Child Support Application.
Completed applications to be returned to Clinton County Child Support.
Clinton County Child Support
13 Durkee Street
Plattsburgh, NY 12901
Hours: Monday – Friday 8 am to 5 pm
- Ask Questions about your account 1-888-208-4485
- Make payments online at www.childsupport.ny.gov or through the mail to the following address:
NYS Child Support Processing Center
PO Box 15363
Albany, NY 12212-5363
- Make your check or money order payable to NYS Child Support Processing Center. With your check or money order, always include information to identify your payment such as your Child Support account number or Social Security Number.
New York State Child Support Website:
Obtain Court Forms: