Preventive services are supportive and rehabilitative services provided to children and their families to avert disruption of a family which could result in an out of home placement for the child, to enable a child who has been placed in foster care to be reunited with his or her family at an earlier time than would otherwise be possible, or to reduce the likelihood that a child discharged from foster care will return to such care. Preventive caseworkers are either office based or work within local elementary schools through the Preventive School Partnership Program (PSAP) to assess the need for and provide services. They coordinate referrals and services between the families, schools, Department of Social Services and other community agencies.
Services to children and families may include:
- Child Day Care
- Parent education
- Homemaker and parent aide services
- Emergency shelter, food, clothing or other essential items to avert foster care placement
- Respite care services for crisis situations
Preventive Services are provided without regard to income.