Clinton County Child Protective Services (CPS) investigates reports made to the New York State Central Register alleging child abuse or neglect which are alleged to occur in Clinton County. The investigation of a report is an investigative process which includes interviews of children as well as adults, observation of the situation, and information gathering. Its purpose is to protect the child, determine the validity of the allegations, evaluate any condition of abuse or maltreatment that was not reported, and determine the services necessary to ensure the protection of the child as well as reduce the degree of future risk to the child. The investigation includes an evaluation of all children in the home, whether or not they are actually named in the report. CPS strives to alleviate physical abuse, neglect, and sexual abuse of children by their parents and caretakers.
Once a child is determined to be safe, an evaluation of the risk of the likelihood of future neglect is made. Based on this assessment, appropriate referrals for services, if any, are made to minimize the risk of future abuse or neglect. When a child is unsafe in their home, placement of the child outside the home will be considered.
How to report child abuse or neglect
Clinton County CPS may only begin an investigation if and when a report is made to and accepted by the New York State Central Registry.
In New York State, all reports of abuse or maltreatment must be initiated and registered through the New York State Central Register which is located in Albany, New York. Calls are made via a special telephone hotline which can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Calls are accepted both from the general public, who are able to remain anonymous, and from certain professionals who, by law, are designated as mandated reporters and thus, required to report suspicions of child abuse or maltreatment. The phone number for the general public to make a report is (800) 342-3720; the number for mandated reporters to call is (800) 635-1522. Reports of abuse or maltreatment may be made for children from birth up to their 18th birthday.
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